If you are struggling to repay your account, if you have missed a payment, know you are going to miss a repayment, envisage missing future repayments for any reason or the handling of your account and monies is becoming stressful, please do not hesitate to contact one of our customer service agents or relationship managers who will look to support you through the challenging time you are facing.
Please contact us using the correct telephone contact below to speak to one of our agents who can support you with the Hampshire Trust Bank account:
Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected]
Should you require any additional guidance or support with regards to Financial Difficulties, the following useful links are available on the internet to help and support you:
Citizens Advice
Advice and support with work, debt and money, family, housing, law, immigration, benefits and health
0800 114 8848 (England)
0800 702 2020 (Wales)
The Citizens Advice website has an online chat service for both debt advice and other queries
The Samaritans
For support if you are having a difficult time, struggling with your mental health or having suicidal thoughts
116 123
[email protected]
The Samaritans website has an online chat function
Free and indepnendent money advice
0800 138 777
National Debtline
Free and impartial debt advice
Information and advice on housing and homelessness
0808 800 444
Shelter’s website has an online chat service.