Financial abuse occurs most commonly in very close personal relationships such as that of your spouse, partner or family member. However, it can also occur in other relationships such as that of a carer or of a power of attorney.
You or someone you know may be experiencing financial abuse. Here are some examples of potential red flags to help you identify if this could be the case:
For more information about financial abuse and how we as your financial service provider can support you please see UK Finance’s guide on the topic.
As of December 2021, HTB Group became a signatory to the UK Finance Financial Abuse Code, a voluntary Code established to increase awareness and understanding amongst firms and their staff of financial abuse and how to spot it. Becoming a signatory to this Code solidifies HTB Group’s commitment to helping victim-survivors of financial abuse, in accordance with company values to ensure they are treated fairly and compassionately.
If you are experiencing financial abuse or know someone who might need help with their HTB account due to financial abuse please contact us as soon as possible. We are here to listen and support you.
Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected]
If the help you need goes beyond the management of your financial services there are a number of organisations listed below which are specially dedicated to providing a safe space to talk and dedicated support to people experiencing abuse, including financial abuse. If you are in immediate danger please call 999.
Surviving Economic Abuse
Free phone 24 hour National Domestic Helpline for women run in partnership with Refuge.
The Men’s Advice Line (Respect)
A confidential helpline for all men experiencing domestic violence by a current or ex-partner.
UK helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people experiencing domestic abuse.
Victim Support
For independent free and confidential help for those who have been the victim of a crime.
Forced Marriage Unit
A public helpline to provide safety advice and support to victims of forced marriage and those looking to support them.